Hey... person. In a brand new video from the set of 'Blade Runner 2', Ryan Gosling is offering one lucky fan – girl, boy, other – the unique chance to fly out to Budapest and join him for lunch (or at least eat lunch within a few yards of him, it's not specific). All you need to do is donate upwards of $10 (that's about £7.70) to Gosling's favoured charity, The Enough Project, which is dedicated to finding peaceful solutions to violent conflicts in some of the world's most deprived areas. And bingo, you'll be entered into a prize draw including a flight to Hungary, a hotel stay, a visit to the set, a meeting with Harrison Ford (who'll almost certainly be grumpy to you, yay!) and a chat with RyGos. Who could possibly resist?

The slight downside is that those who donate more have more chances to win, which leaves us worrying that the prize will go to some ageing billionaire who could probably buy Ryan Gosling ten times over. But still, the cause is great and you really never know – the odds just might be in your favour.
Disappointingly for those of a nerdy persuasion, the video offers precious little insight into the movie itself: it doesn't even provide us with an official title, as Ryan refers to it as: 'The new "Blade Runner" film'. We know it's a sequel, and we know that Harrison Ford will be returning as Rick Deckard, the probably-robotic hunter of other robots. We know that Denis Villeneuve ('Sicario') is in the director's chair, and that it'll take place in a world even bleaker than the first movie: 'The climate has gone berserk,' Villeneuve told Entertainment Weekly. 'The ocean, the rain, the snow is all toxic.' Oh, and thanks to this video, we know it's being shot in a big grey shed in Eastern Europe.
'Blade Runner 2', or whatever it ends up being called, is due out on Oct 6, 2017. Keep an eye on Time Out Film for all the latest news about the movie, and all next year's other big releases.