The majority of new London parents end up leaving the city, according to the latest internal migration data from the ONS. We tracked relocating London families with kids aged five and under, and found that of the 33,406 kids who left a London borough in 2015-16, 22,510 quit the capital entirely – that’s 67 percent.
The ONS data doesn’t let us account for all London-born kids. For instance, it doesn’t include families who stay put for at least five years after having children, or families who did move but stayed the same borough. But it still shows a striking number of families deciding that the big city isn’t the place they want to raise their sprogs.
That said, there are still many kids – 10,896, to be precise – who relocated in 2015-16 from one London borough to another. That’s what the map below shows. We’ve used the ONS data to chart the most popular destination within London for families moving from each borough.

You’d expect a general trend from inner London (dark pink) to outer, and the map confirms that. But it’s not always a case of city-to-suburbs: kids from Bexley are most likely to move to Greenwich and vice versa, while Haringey hoovers up families from Enfield, Islington and Hackney. So despite the exodus to cleaner, greener parts of the UK, there’s a whole new generation of born-and-bred Londoners on its way.