
Political pooches: #DogsAtPollingStations in back for the EU Referendum vote

Written by
Stephanie Hartman

A photo posted by Miss Darcy (@missdarcysadventures) on

Decision day is finally upon us and dogs are turning out with their owners to show support for voters at polling stations across the UK. As with other recent elections, #DogsAtPollingStations has whipped the internet into a frenzy and democracy-digging dogs are being snapped left, right, and centre. We don’t know if the terriers, labradors, boxers and bulldogs will sway votes in the EU Referendum, but hopefully their cute little faces will encourage a few more people to make their way to a ballot box.


A photo posted by Debbie Reed (@debbiejanereed) on


A photo posted by @dogsofsheffield on


A photo posted by Maja B (@majalondonpapaya) on

 Here's everything you need to know about voting today. 

Want more sweet animals? Check out Political pets: #CatsAgainstBrexit are taking over Twitter.

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