Stronger together #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/GVMNJbQisE
— Philip Clark (@MusicClerk) June 20, 2016
During the last few elections, the internet has gone mad for #DogsAtPollingStations, but now it's time for the cats of the world to weigh in on the political debate. Ahead of the EU referendum on Thursday, #CatsAgainstBrexit has started trending on Twitter, as people are sharing pictures of their political pets.
We're voting in. Are you sure? In. Or out? Definitely in. In, okay. Don't shut the door. #CatsAgainstBrexit #fickle pic.twitter.com/QdrybuHj1q
— GFDavies (@gailfdavies) June 21, 2016
Some of them have got their own personal reasons:
Daphne is worried about trade restrictions on catnip #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/RSJO4O27tj
— Kate Bevan (@katebevan) June 20, 2016
While others have read up on the facts and made an informed decision:
Now he's been helped through the arguments, Slammers today declared himself one of the #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/ZwhMh7uYSD
— Rich Nelmes (@nelmes) June 20, 2016
And this little guy has been busy crunching the numbers:
He's done his sums, and leaving just doesn't add up 🐱 #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/POkG7KmZOP
— Matt Rogers (@MattNotCaroline) June 20, 2016
But will these political pets have any influence on the final result? Well, according to a poll by ORB for the Daily Telegraph, Remain now has a seven-point lead over the Leave campaign. Coincidence? We think not.
Check out more cute pictures of #CatsAgainstBrexit:
Mine want free movement of European birds. #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/o8YcnNCu3A
— Sierra McLeod (@Sierra_McLeod) June 20, 2016
CJ is concerned that the effect on the economy may lead to larger household bills. #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/iIKq8unOdI
— Sara Long (@duckiemonster) June 20, 2016
Gerald's threatened to stay in this basket under a bin lid if we vote leave #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/AB8lTvd84n
— Charlene B (@Twigg83) June 20, 2016
— Cromwell (@Cromwell606) June 20, 2016
This cat just saw UKip's Breaking Point poster & is now deeply confused & upset by humanity.pic.twitter.com/7nQdvommYb
#CatsAgainstBrexit #Nishi worries that building a wall between us and the EU will block her sunbeam. pic.twitter.com/HhLPy1Ax7M
— (((James O'Brien))) (@sparrk) June 20, 2016
Ceiling cat is watching you vote #CatsAgainstBrexit pic.twitter.com/MFFrEtna9M
— Dr Suzi Gage (@soozaphone) June 19, 2016
Read about Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof's battle of the Thames last week