
Dogs may be a man's best friend, but our local watering hole is pretty close to our hearts, too. Photographer Fiona Freund has combined two of our greatest loves to produce the ultimate coffee-table book, 'Pub Dogs of London'. She's scoured pubs all over London, taking portraits of their regular canine customers who all have excellent names including Del Boy the staffie, a British bulldog named Pompidon and a floppy-eared dachshund called Boris (pictured above) – who may or may not be named after our own floppy-haired mayor.

As well as some lovely photographs of London's pub-friendly pups, the book also features information about each dog – their likes, dislikes and favourite treats. So if you ever go to The Churchill Arms and have the pleasure of meeting Boris, you'll know that he hates the rain but loves chew treats. Or if you come across Molly and George at The Lansdowne (pictured below) you'll know to keep an eye on your pint as they're particularly partial to nice cold Camden lager.

See more snaps of London's best pub dogs:

'Pub Dogs of London' by Fiona Freund & Graham Fulton (Freight Books) is out now. Buy it here.