Today is the day the American people have the unenviable task of choosing between Hillary Clinton, sentator, politician and self-confessed 'hair icon' and 'pantsuit aficionado' or Donald Trump, the man who's spawned a thousand articles on his outrageous comments about Mexicans, women, black people and others. But it's his attitude towards women that has really riled these two women who have created the 'Trump Pussy Protector', a mousetrap device to protect women from Trump’s wandering sausage fingers.

This tongue-in-cheek contraption was created by Chaz Mather and Lucy Jones who are giving them out to UK tourists travelling to America from Heathrow today. After all, he's the TV personality who shrugged off his alleged sexual harassment of women as 'locker-room talk'.

They say: 'Should, by some twist of horrendous fate, ‘the Donald’ be elected on November 8; he and his would be pussy grabbers are sure to be out in force. Thankfully there’s now a device to offer comfort and protection for thousands of women fearful of wandering misogynistic hands'.

Follow the ladies fighting misogyny one mouse trap at a time @PussyProtection
See how Trump bullies his Aberdeenshire neighbours while building a luxury golf course in this documentary You've Been Trumped.