
Oh crumbs! Someone's re-created the Shard out of biscuits

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

Forget oil paintings or intricate drawings, someone's paid tribute to London's tallest skyscraper by re-creating it in biscuits. A whopping 3,000 of them, to be precise.

The crummy installation has been crafted by the folks at cancer charity Macmillan, who have re-created landmarks across the UK out of biscuits to celebrate all the people across the country who made their World’s Biggest Coffee Morning a success last year.

This year's fundraising event takes place on September 30. Make like Mary Berry and start practising your biscuit-baking now to get involved. Or just do a quick swoop of your local bakery – we won't tell.

See the biscuit sculptures on display at The Koppel Project, 93 Baker Street, W1U 6RL. Until September 11. Free.

Find out how to take part in Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning

Or brush up on your skills with these baking classes in London 

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