London! Rise from your seats, brandish your three most revolutionary fingers and try not to weep as we pay tribute to an icon of the age. Katniss Everdeen, two-time winner of the Hunger Games and the baddest archer this side of Ambridge, is about to hang up her bow. But first we get to enjoy this epic trailer for her final big screen outing, the exhaustingly titled 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2'.
It's probably for the best: Jennifer Lawrence is getting a bit too long in the tooth for the role that made her name – but she still exudes authority and class as the saviour of this bloodthirsty future society. The last film will offer few surprises for fans of the books, but newbies will be hoping for more of Natalie Dormer’s feisty Cressida, Woody Harrelson’s shambolic Haymitch and Elizabeth Banks’s loveably bonkers Effie Trinket, and less of those doughy-faced adolescent boys mooning around J-Law's ankles.
Here ya go:

Keep an eye on timeout.com/film for all the latest 'Hunger Games' news, and a review of the new movie when it comes out on Nov 19.