
Most Googled: why is West End theatre so expensive?

Matt Breen
Written by
Matt Breen
West End theatres on Shaftesbury Avenue
Ben Rowe

Whether it’s rent or a pint of lager, the price of stuff in this city can make you wince – and theatre is no exception. But is the West End really all that pricy? We put this question to our very own Theatre editor, Andrzej Lukowski.

‘The bottom line is that it’s capitalism,’ he explains. ‘Commercial theatre producers have no obligation to keep prices down.’ And the usual rationale that theatres give for their top-end prices – that they combat ticket touts by charging tout prices in-house – sounds like, in Andrzej’s words, ‘spurious bollocks’.

But wait! Our expert points out that while top prices are getting more expensive they’re still not as bad as in New York, where the average Broadway ticket costs $109. London’s low end has also got cheaper in recent years: ‘It’s rare to find a show where tickets don’t start at £20 or lower,’ according to Andrzej. And if you’ll excuse the plug, Time Out has some pretty great theatre ticket offers. So there’s plenty still to applaud.

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