It's been over 12 years since the final episode of 'Friends' aired on UK TV. That makes 12 years that we've been patiently waiting (wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin') for a reunion that has so far failed to materialise.
Every now and again, though, a couple of the old gang get back together again, as a little treat for long-time fans. One of those occasions took place recently when Monica and Phoebe, aka Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow, teamed up on American TV show 'Celebrity Name Game'.
The duo played a 'Friends' quiz and proved they've been thinking about the sitcom as much as we have over the last decade by absolutely acing the answers.
In the game words or phrases (like smelly cat and Central Perk) appeared on a screen and Cox had to give clues for Kudrow to guess them, which she did, almost 100% perfectly.

Could we BE any more impressed?
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