This morning, the internet collectively lost its shit over an egg. Specifically, the mash-up between a Cadbury's Creme Egg and an Oreo cookie. The concept, as pictured in Canada, took Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and offices throughout London (including Time Out Towers) by storm.
We can now confirm the sad news that Londoners won't be able to get their hands on these tiny gifts from heaven unless they're willing to cough up the dough for a return flight to Canada this Easter, which is the only place they're being sold (and have apparently been on sale for the last year!).
However, the folk at Cadbury's have announced a sort of compromise to sate your appetite for sweet Frankenfood. Sharing bags of mini Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo Easter eggs and Cadbury Dairy Milk Egg 'n Spoon Oreos will be on sale at retailers across in London instead. Not the same but kind of the same? Alas, we'll never know.

Got a sweet tooth? A peanut butter and toast bar is popping up in London.