Hang on, is that... Yeah, and that's...! Thanks to a timely Instagram post, we were reminded this week of an early TV movie starring two of the UK's most wildly successful acting exports, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Co-produced by the BBC and HBO back in 2007, 'Stuart: A Life Backwards' is based on author and homelessness worker Alexander Masters' book of the same name, a biography of his friend, the mentally unstable ex-con Stuart Clive Shorter. We'll give you one guess who plays which part.
The film is as hard-hitting as the synopsis implies, and both men deliver committed, forceful performances. But we just can't help cooing over these amazing stills. Look at Cumbers's 'smart guy' specs! And Tom's patchy can't-quite-grow-a-beard stubble! Almost too cute.

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You'll never guess who made a cameo in the final episode of ‘Sherlock’