
London avocado lovers: you’ve been binning the healthiest part

Kitty Drake
Written by
Kitty Drake

Stop worrying about ‘avocado hand’ – a new avocado revelation is rocking the capital. A study has revealed that avo lovers everywhere have been inadvertently chucking away the healthiest part of the juicy green superfruit: the seed husks. For the uninitiated, the seed husks of an avocado are the flaky outer casing of the seed. When you cut open your avo, you might often find a bit of paper thin skin attached to the seed (google a pic of it: husks look a bit like avocado’s answer to cradlecap).

Well, this new and genuinely scientific study (led by scientists from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) has revealed that those ugly husks are extremely rich in chemical compounds: eating them can improve treatments for cancers and heart disease. So next time you place that very basic order of avocado toast you might want to ask for seed husks on the side. Go on, treat yourself. 

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