
Living life in the slow lane: faster trains could actually make your commute longer

Isabelle Aron
Written by
Isabelle Aron
Features Editor, Time Out London

We've already learned this week that London transport is overcrowded and overpriced (who knew?), but in a curveball move it turns out that fast trains could be to blame for slow journey times. Huh?  

A study from the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission looked at how different transport networks effect each other and found that slowing down the Underground could cut down overall congestion in London. The research showed that faster tube services mean that more people will choose public transport rather than driving to work. So far, so what? But when Underground services get speedier, more people out in the 'burbs will hop in their 4x4s and drive to the station to get in on the action. This means that the roads get busier, increasing overall travel times on the road and Underground. So TfL, you can keep your 'station improvements' and speedy new trains, we're happy with the slow ones – otherwise everyone will want a go.

Want more transport news? Take a look at these:

Victoria station is making millions from people going to the toilet

The night tube could be delayed until next March

Plans for a £2.2 billion revamp of Euston station have been revealed

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