
Karen Gillan isn't wearing very much in the 'Jumanji' sequel – and Twitter is confused

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott

The first image of the upcoming 'Jumanji' movie has dropped... and the internet doesn't quite know what to do with it.

Dwayne Johnson, who is starring in and producing in the sequel, posted the first official image on Instagram following the gang's first full day on set. There's Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Dwayne Johnson himself all in jungle-appropriate attire.

And then there's former 'Doctor Who' companion Karen Gillan. The question on everyone's lips? Erm, where are Gillan's clothes? 

Sure we've seen Gillan, who is playing character Ruby Roundhouse, in a number of unusual guises – bald and blue in 'Guardians of the Galaxy', dressed as policewoman kissogram in 'Doctor Who' – but her scantily clad 'Jumanji' outfit has left some fans open-mouthed. 

Anticipating the internet's outrage, Johnson did comment beneath his Instagram post: 'Her jungle wardrobe will make sense when you know the plot. Trust me.' 

And we guess that's what we'll have to do, until we know more about Gillian's Ruby Roundhouse and the reason she's looking a lot more naked than her male co-stars.

Jumanji will be in UK cinemas on July 28 2017. 

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