
Get a lungful of this week’s Time Out! We’ve asked five nature writers to reveal London’s hidden wild side, from 8,000-year old woods to the Hackney nightjar.
PLUS, we chat with some drag kings, find you some sweet craft courses, discover the naff places you love and get the inside scoop on being a croupier at a London casino.
AND, we’ll tell you all about the Clerkenwell café that made our socks roll up and down, reveal the boozer that’s apparently #reinventingthelocal, chart the dizzying future of our city’s skyscraper boom and preview the best outdoor cinema programmes announced for the summer. There’s loads more but I’ve run out of time, so you’ll just have to read it. Deep breaths...
You can also buy this week’s issue from Wednesday on your Apple or Android device, so you can swipe, pinch and scroll through at your leisure.