If you compare 1980s London to the present day, there are a few differences that come to mind - no cat cafés, for one thing, and the closest to Pillow Cinema you'd have gotten was bringing a cushion to the multiplex to make the seats a little bit more comfy. Oh, and the price of a pint would have been considerably cheaper. But aside from that, what's changed? In 2012, student Lydia Coutré took a trip to London and decided to recreate the pictures her mother had taken of the city's landmarks while on holiday in 1982 and - apart from an improvement in camera quality - most of the pictures don't look hugely different.

But unlike Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye is still pretty new on the scene, having only appeared in 2000, making the view across the Thames from the South Bank the most noticeably different. At least the sky is still the same old murky grey though. Some things never change.

See more of the photos:

Read more about the project on Lydia's blog and follow her on Twitter.