Well, it doesn’t make for comfortable viewing, that’s for sure. Christopher Gray’s claustrophobic clusterfuck of an exhibition places you in a dark, miserable sex dungeon filled with puppets, severed heads in jars, nude clay men in chains, a creepily empty boxing ring and hand-puppets punching seven shades of bollocks out of each other. In the back, a video shows the artist putting on a sickening puppet show where a man gets his tallywhacker chopped off.

Photo by Tom Carter
Gray himself is a former boxer who came to art late in life, and his bruised, brutally pugilistic face peers out at you in the show. It’s an intimidatingly uncomfortable exhibition, and all the more brilliant for it. It’s a genuine shame that Saturday is its last day, go see it while you can.

Christopher Gray’s The Dumas Complex is at J Hammond Projects in Archway until Sat Aug 5. Find more art to see here.