
How many days until the evenings are properly light? Here's how many

Written by
Guy Parsons

At the very edge of your perception, the days are getting lighter, little by little. So if winter feels like it's never going to end, here are a few milestones in daylight's onward march to look forward to...

1 day... until it's light at 5pm.

Sunrise, Tower Bridge, London

© Andrew Thomas

 Sun sets at 5pm on February 8, and it will STAY later than that for the next 267 days. Hooray!

16 days... until it's light at 7am. 

© Jenny, Flickr

Morning person? Or a poor, unfortunate teacher? Sunrise happens at 7am on February 23, and remains earlier than until September 30, even when the clocks go forward in March. 

17 days... until it's light at 5.30pm.

© Andy Gittos

 Just over a couple of weeks until Feb 24, at which point, if you finish work at five thirty, you'll be emerging into something other than pitch darkness.

35 days... until it's light at 6pm.

© Mark John Nepomuceno

You've got around a month to wait until Mar 12, when the sun finally goes down after 6pm. 

40 days until the days are longer than the nights.

© richardbw9

Yeah, suck on that, darkness! Daytime beats nighttime by two minutes (and counting) starting on March 18. The spring equinox is actually two days later on March 20. Also, at this point it's getting lighter at maximum speed, with each day nearly 4 minutes longer than the day before. NEAT-O.

49 days until it's light until 7.26pm!

© Michael Goldrei

 That's right, it's the big one! Seven weeks from today (on March 27) the CLOCKS GO FORWARD and everything is sunny and nice forever. (OK, for about seven months.) It's basically summer. Hoorah!

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