The staff of Madame Tussauds might want to keep a close eye on their new 'Kong: Skull Island' exhibit. Not because of the giant marauding ape - sure, he's as tall as a bus and very strokeable, but you'd have a job getting him out of the building. We're talking about the monkey's chiselled sidekick, a life-size model of the thinking woman's ultimate bit of crumpet, Tom Hiddleston. We're not sure the model looks 100 percent like the Tom we know - they've definitely accentuated his square chin and muscular frame, and the result looks a bit like Hiddles after a week in the gym with no sleep. But given his action-man physique, will fans be able to keep their hands off? Security, we suggest you watch out for gangs of young ladies carrying very large rucksacks.
Don't have the time, money or inclination to make it to Madame Tussauds? Check out some close-up shots of the exhibit right here.

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Read Time Out's review of Kong: Skull Island
Ever wondered what Tom Hiddleston's favourite romantic films are? Find out right here