Maltby Street's Jewish-style deli Monty's has been serving up perfect pastrami from their south London arch for the last three years. Now they want to open their first proper restaurant and have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise £50,000 to pay for the kitchen. Not only will their new place be open seven days a week (as opposed to just the weekends like they're doing at the mo) but they plan to produce as much as they can in-house, including their tasty salt beef and pastrami, but also other smoked meats, home-made pickles and mustards and even more of their own bagels.

Pledge rewards include pickle badges, bottomless mustard, t-shirts, a year's worth of bagels and this incredible tea towel emblazoned with their worst ever TripAdvisor review.

There's only 9 days left and they still need to raise over £20,000 so be a mensch and donate now at kickstarter.com.