It's been almost a month since Fabric's licence was snatched by Islington council, robbing London – and the world – of one of its greatest nightclubs.
However, while flowers and candles are left at the Farringdon venue's firmly shut doors and many of us wallow in grief at the apparent loss of another of London's most cherished rave dens, the fight to save Fabric goes on.
The crowdfunding appeal to raise funds for the lengthy legal fight ahead has already notched up over £235,000. Meanwhile, news of events and fundraisers such as the upcoming protest in Hoxton Square and this weekend's pop-up in Camden Market's North Yard has been enthusiastically spreading via #savefabric and #saveculture hashtags online.
From 11am to 6pm this Saturday October 1 and Sunday October 2, the Fabric team will be selling loads of music and merchandise and, most importantly, making a great big noise about their plight with help from resident DJ and tech-house hero Terry Francis.
Everyone is encouraged to head down, help support the cause and maybe even have a little dance.
Read the latest news by following #savefabric on Twitter. Find out more at camdenmarket.com.