
Have you spotted a #PokemonGoHome poster around town?

Written by
Matilda Egere-Cooper

Unless you’ve been living inside a pokéball, you’ll know that the city’s gone seriously Pokémon mad in the past month. But while folks are going off on mass hunts for the likes of Machop and Tentacruel (he’s near London Bridge, apparently) someone’s jumped on the hype as a prime opportunity to draw everyone’s attention back to… Brexit. 

As a way to highlight the uncertain future of EU nationals living in Britain, over 100 posters featuring popular Pokémon characters have popped up around town as part of the #PokemonGoHome campaign. 

The clever posters use phrases like 'by 2019 your Pokémon may lose their right to live in the UK' and 'illegal Pokémon will be deported'. This obviously ain't happening to Pikachu any time soon, but that might be the case for many Londoners from EU countries if Article 50 is triggered in 2017. 

In a show of support, the campaign directs people to a website where they can sign a petition to allow those from other EU countries to stay here with the same rights. Over 4,900 signatures have been collected so far, but campaigners hope to get at least 10,000 signatures so the government has to respond – because if there's anything we're all waiting for right now, it's that.

Find out more at

In more Pokémon news, you can now go on a 'Pokémon Go' guided tour of London 

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