'Nazis. I hate those guys.' So sayeth Indiana Jones, and who'd argue with him? Of course Time Out would never advocate violence, and many were shocked - shocked! - by that recent viral video of white supremacist mouthpiece Richard Spencer being punched in the face at Donald Trump's inauguration rally. But others, it seems, were less horrified, and now a group of them have got together to stage an entire evening of fascist-smacking film clips.

The bad news is that the event - organised by arts website The New Inquiry and rather wonderfully named Fash Bash Bash - is happening tomorrow in New York. But expect some bright spark to set up a similar night in London - Prince Charles Cinema, are you listening? - because it'll surely be packed to the rafters. There's no word yet on which clips they're going to screen, but we'd lay bets that Indy duffing up a bald Nazi wrestler and Brad Pitt going wild in Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds' will be highlights.

We're almost tempted to hop on a plane. But we'd probably get stopped at the airport.
Get ready for the next big anti-Trump protest in London
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