London's quidditch team has done quite well in their last three cup competitions. Since we first met them last year, they've come 2nd at Highlander II in Scotland, 3rd at the Southern Cup, and 6th at the British Quidditch Cup. No longer limited to the world of Harry Potter, these are real Muggle-friendly events. The London Unspeakables - the city's best and only team - have toured the country competing against other groups of mixed-sex teams. This month quidditch will be ten years old and the sport is growing. In the UK there are not around 30 teams. In America, matches are even starting to be televised. Snitch's getting serious.

Repping London in their purple tees, The Unspeakables are better known in quidditch circles for their drinking skills than their snitch-catching skills. But catch them playing the dodgeball-rugby splice up (which looks less strange than a game of lacrosse) and they're noisy, energetic and tactical. This year they boast a new 'efficient coaching programme' that's led them to fresh victories.

The roster is growing. Attracting students and young professionals, they suggest not everyone has to know their Butterbeer from their Madam Hooch, and you don't need to be a diehard Potter fan to join the fun. Somewhat unsurprisingly, it's not a typical Slytherin boy's club either. 'The UK quidditch community has been praised by players from all over the world for being welcoming, friendly whilst competitive, and very open-minded.'
Try a free taster session on October 3, 12-2pm, Hampstead Heath, Parliament Hill. Find them on Facebook or Twitter.
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