When it comes to DIY, not everyone has mastered the art of putting up shelves or unblocking the kitchen sink, but most of us can change a lightbulb, right? Wrong. Or at least that's what Hackney Council think. To help us get out of the dark on the matter, they've made a video showing every single part of the process. And we mean every part. Step one? Switching the light off.
The video is part of the council's 'You Can Do It' series, showing residents how to unblock a toilet, prevent damp and other fun jobs around the house. Sure, it's two and a half minutes long and lacking in LOLs, but on the plus side, you might finally be able to fix that light in the hallway that's been broken since you moved in.

In other news, Hackney Council has painted walls in Shoreditch with in anti-urine paint