Had the godawful misfortune of getting a bus round the Elephant and Castle roundabou… sorry: junction in the last week? Then you’ll notice that change (we’re being polite) is afoot. But Southwark Council’s penis-brained wreckage of nearly every South London bus route aside (sod it: politeness can be our new year’s resolution), it also means the last subway has been filled full of concrete, ending a process that begun last summer. Which means one thing: London has lost its most mental set of tunnel-based artworks.

So it’s farewell to those nutso mosaics of dolphins swimming languorously through concrete boulevards.

It’s goodbye to Robert Browning’s head being positioned next to a plastic no-smoking sign. Sayonara inexplicable Chuckle Brothers-esque pictures of a man dragging a fire-hose through a restaurant. And absolutely no more gawping at that nightmarish scene which was probably making a very clever arty point, but which looked a lot like a bunch of decapitated heads squelched onto chess pieces.
RIP Elephant and Castle subways. But before we say goodbye forever, here are a few photos we took last summer before they closed for good.