
Go to a boozy colouring class in a Highbury bookshop tonight

Written by
Matilda Egere-Cooper

What do you get when you cross colouring books with a bit of boozing? A problem with staying within the lines? Sure, or perhaps 'crinking' - an event that's happening tonight (November 10) for anyone looking to blow off a bit of steam, in the most creative way possible. 

Taking place at bookshop-cafe Ink@84 in Highbury, the event's been put together to mark the release of 'The Mindless Colouring Book', so guests will be equipped with plenty of cocktails, handouts and colouring pencils, plus the chance to pick up a copy of the book and meet the authors Molly Manners and Alex Worrall. 

It's free to attend and kicks off at 7pm, and you can find out more about it here.

Or colour yourself calm in these pretty London spots.

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