Halloween is upon us, and with it the timeless tradition of mindlessly stabbing an orange vegetable and stuffing a candle down its throat. Want to up your gourd-gouging game this year? Here are four ace designs from four of London’s top chefs.
Tom Cook from Skylon demonstrates a Tim Burton-inspired design. In the spirit of nose-to-tail cooking, even the innards get used for some natty orange dreadlocks.

Roka’s Hamish Brown gets into the spooky vibe with a menacing Japanese Kabuki mask design. Props for using a specialist vegetable-carving kit for a neat two-tone effect.

Yasuhiro Mineno of Yashin Ocean House goes for a similarly oriental look, this time it’s a theatrical Hannya mask, worn by female characters who’ve been turned into demons by jealousy. Check out the detail on those teeth!

And finally, The Begging Bowl’s Jane Alty takes her carving off-piste with this spooky-cat/creepy face mash-up. Trippy.

Okay, that's the pumpkin carving sorted. Now here's everything going on in London this Halloween.
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