Leonardo da Vinci once said that a life without love is no life at all. Clearly, Leo hadn't lived in London, where a free Pret coffee is considered a grand romantic gesture and just getting a text back is a relationship goal.
As the day of Hallmark-mandated romance approaches, some of us singletons will be frantically re-downloading Tinder and pretending the only card we got wasn't from our mum. But there is an alternative to Bumble and Ben & Jerry's this Valentines Day where you can go on a date with cats, instead.
Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is hosting the heartbreakingly named 'Feline Lonely' event on February 14, where Londoners have the chance to find their purrfect match. With a glass of prosecco in hand, you'll have the chance to go full crazy cat lady and get up close and paw-sonal with many of the moggies that need new homes. If you feel a spark, you can take them home yourself – but maybe wait until after the first date.
'Feline Lonely' takes place on February 14 at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, 4 Battersea Park Road, SW8 4AA. Click here to book tickets.
If cats aren't your thing, a kinky climbing wall is being, um, erected in London this Valentine's Day.