If you grew up in London, you might wish to go back to a simpler time – before the London Eye, Oyster cards and the night tube. To be honest, all aspects of growing up in London were pretty epic, but here are some of the things you might miss the most.
Loitering outside the London Weekend Television building on the South Bank
Social media wasn’t a thing so if you wanted to spot a celebrity, you’d have to physically stalk them. So you’d wait… and you’d wait. And if you were lucky, you’d spot one member of Destiny’s Child come out at the end of ‘CD:UK’. Michelle, probably.

Flickr/ yisris
Being allowed to smoke on the top deck of a Routemaster bus
Saving up your pocket money for a trip to Tower Records in Piccadilly Circus
You spent an entire afternoon in there deciding which album you wanted the most – or which one everyone in year 9 French was listening to, as peer pressure dictated what you bought.
Just hanging around Carnaby Street with no real purpose
Because that’s where all the skater kids – and that guy/girl you fancied – went to buy their trainers.
Being ‘grown-up’ enough to go to Camden with your mates for the first time
Camden was the only real place where you felt ‘understood’.
Miss anything else about growing up in London? Let us know in the comments!