
Five things to do on a Wednesday night once GBBO's done and dusted

Written by
Mandy Gould

D‐Day is here. Or should we say G‐B‐B‐O‐D‐Day? The season 7 finale of 'The Great British Bake Off' tonight is leaving an even more bitter taste in the mouth, because it’s the last as we know it. (A bit like Geri leaving the Spice Girls – when vital ingredients are missing, it’s never going to work.)

Whether you head to The Glory on Kingsland Road who are holding a special finale event, or set up camp in your lounge with a bottle of vino or six, time is a great healer. And while there aren’t many activities as transfixing as watching Selasi pummel herbs, here are five things that we can do on a Wednesday night instead (and no, we can’t make him become the pestle to your mortar).  

The Great British Shuffle Off

Coming out of such an intense relationship, you often have to enquire: What’s changed in the outside world? Well, since you asked… London is shuffling. We don’t mean the foot jittering dance of today’s youth. We’re talking about the sport that was a favourite past time of Henry VIII, waiting for you at the Old Truman Brewery. London Shuffle Club is a natural blend of curling and bowling. See, it even sounds a bit Bake Off (ish).

The Great British Shake Off

We get it. You can’t shake Hollywood’s ocean blue peepers from your mind. We were hooked too. Until we shook something else... a cocktail shaker of course! The Little Yellow Door hold a cocktail making masterclass every Wednesday – perfect to drown your soggy bottom sorrows. Besides, we’re used to be a bit of mid-week creativity now, right?


The Great British Bend Off

The anticipation that comes with waiting on oven doors, knowing who’s smashed the technical and whether showstoppers will actually reflect their illustrations probably won’t burn the same calories as Yoga. So Roly Poly over to a mat at Triyoga Soho.


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The Great British Quiz Off

Like alcohol? Want an excuse to socialise? If you answered yes to either question, head to The Eagle in Hoxton. Every Wednesday their pub quiz will be sure to give you that competitive fix.


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The Great British LOL Off

If you’re really suffering Mel & Sue withdrawal symptoms, find comedy at The Camden Head in Angel. It’s free. And you never know. Since turning down Channel 4, they may be out of jobs and seeking a new audience to practise puns on.


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And in more Bake Off news, Selasi's planning to open a bakery in West London.

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