Circle Pay is the nifty mobile app that lets you effortlessly send money to (and receive money from!) friends, family, colleagues, co-conspirators, scary clowns... anybody you've got an email address or mobile number for, basically. It's already easy to send each other photos from last night – and now it's just as easy to send cash. Say goodbye to account numbers, sort codes, and rummaging about for that internet login dongle. Say hello to, well... just none of those annoying bits. (And you can send GIFs at the same time, too.)
Here are five ways it could come in handy...
1) The Dutch goodbye

So your date was nice enough – but unfortunately their unfettered enthusiasm for miniature tank construction turned into a bit of a deal-breaker. Go Dutch after the dinner by sending your share of the bill just using their phone number.
2) The epic trip

Photo: Daniel Wehner
So you're planning that American adventure with your mates, but you can't book anything till you've got money from everyone. With Circle Pay you'll get a notification as each friend sends you money, so you're ready to hit that Buy Now button as soon as the moolah's in place.
3) The accursed purse

Photo: Matteo Paciotti
You're heading out for a night on the town but, like a prize moron, you've gone and left your card sitting on that little shelf by the mirror (again). Luckily Circle Pay is linked to your debit card, so you can shoot your mate some cash on the spot to keep you pleasantly disinhibited for the duration. The app even lets you select friends nearby for additional convenience.
4) Make a trade

Whether you're selling something you don't need for a bit of spending money, or buying something from a pal, just use Circle Pay to receive or send funds whenever you like. Or loop your flatmates in to each pay their share – and chase up anyone that's dilly-dallying over it. (You could even use it to sort your bills out!) Easy.
5) The quick whip-round

It's time to treat that special someone. And guess who's on cake duty? That's right, you. And conveniently enough, some people don't have any cash in their pocket. Just use the Circle app to send a money request to any email address or phone number, and everyone can contribute using their debit or credit card.
Visit circle.com to find out more, or download the app for iOS or Android.