For the last few years, Citymapper has been helping lost Londoners find their way around the city and, most importantly, getting us home at 4am when we're drunk and can't remember where we live anymore. And just when you think the app can't get any better, they've pulled it out of the bag with another shiny new feature. It's called The Everything Map and it pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin – short of picking you up and taking you to the bus stop.

It shows all the bus stops, tube stations and Boris Bike stations near you, as well as information on when the next bus/tube is or how many bikes are available at a docking station, which is handy for those rare occasions when you actually know where you're going and can't be arsed to use journey planner just to check how long the bus will be. You can also see what's within a five- or 15-minute radius – so next time your optimistic friend says it's 'just a five-minute walk' before dragging you on a 40-minute hike across town, you can sneakily consult Citymapper first.
The beady-eyed among you may notice that to introduce this swanky new feature they've had to move the tube map, but don't panic - it's now on the 'City' page with the TfL status updates, which actually makes a whole lot more sense. Good work, Citymapper!
Want more cool maps? Take a look at TfL's walking tube map.