Bargain hunters, rejoice! The fashion gods have answered our cash-strapped pleas. This week Dover Street Market – Comme des Garçons founder Rei Kawakubo’s groundbreaking London store – is going offsite from Thursday (May 11) to Sunday (May 14) to throw (in its own words) a ‘fantastic, incredible, insane and unbelievable shopping festival’, which ordinarily we would discount as hyperbole. But with up to 80 percent off a careful edit from all nine of the CDG labels, plus a selection its favourite other in-house brands, we reckon that sounds pretty accurate.

The Dover Street Market Market will be at 180 Strand, WC2R 1EA. Tube: Temple. Thu 11 - Sun 14, 11am-7pm.
Dover Street Market is one of the best 100 shops in London. See the rest of the list here.