Last year, David Shrigley dazzled the crowds in Trafalgar Square when his colossal, seven-metre-tall bronze sculpture of a hand making the thumbs-up sign was unveiled. With his new exhibition, he’s gone small. And not quite so grand. His work has gone on display in a skip in Hoxton Square.

Courtesy of Skip Gallery, London
Skip Gallery was set up by artists Catherine Borowski and Lee Baker as a fresh way of showcasing art. And we can’t think of anyone better for the space than Shrigley. His work is generally daft – absurdist little statements about the futility of life and suchlike, typically with a cheeky subtext. And here, with a set of bronze letters spelling out ‘LOOK AT THIS’, he seems to be poking fun at the sheer process of looking at art. In particular, looking at art in a space usually reserved for mounds of rubbish.

Courtesy of Skip Gallery, London
Whatever it means, we like it. Thumbs up, Dave!
David Shrigley’s work will be on display Thur Jun 22-Sun Jun 25 at Skip Gallery, Hoxton Square. For more info, head to www.skipgallery.com.