Not all trainers get a birthday celebration. But then not all sneaks have been crazily popular for the last 29 years. Every year on March 26, Nike go wild for Air Max Day and this year is no exception. They've created something called the 'Ultimate NIKEiD experience' which is basically a pimped out trip to Nike Town in a fly BMW I8 (the doors open up kinda like a DeLorean!) where you can create your own NIKEiD trainer in collaboration with 'HTM'. No that's not a half-arsed version of HTML, it's a trio of designers – Hiroshi Fujiwara, Tinker Hatfield and Mark Parker – who've each created a colour palette for you to play with.
You can sign up now for a ride but places are chosen at random to make it as fair as possible. If you're not one of the lucky ones, make your own sweet way down to in Oxford Circus until March 26 and you can still design your perfect pair of personalised trainers based on one of these designer colour palettes and materials:

Sign up right now at nike.com.