Sure, Monopoly is an okay way to pass the time on a rainy afternoon, but those metal player tokens are looking a bit dated these days - who really wants to be a thimble or an old boot? Combining the best of Risk and Monopoly, Stef Wilkerson and Olly Lawder have created Londoners, a new game where you play as one of nine London stereotypes, each with their own mission. You could be a bearded hipster trying to make your mark on east London (naturally), a jumped-up banker trying to buy up the whole city, or a yummy mummy whose main concern is the level of kale her kids are consuming. Other characters include police, tourists, suburbanites, football fans, students and cabbies.

They're currently crowdfunding for the board game on Kickstarter and have so far raised £5,053 of their £7,500 target with 19 days to go. And if you're really into board games, one of the rewards lets you create your own personalised version where you can choose which neighbourhoods feature on the map. Or you can take it one step further and get your face scanned to produce a 3D-printed player token of your own head, which may be slightly excessive but it definitely puts that rusty old Monopoly boot to shame.
Find out more about the Kickstarter campaign.
Can't get enough of game playing? Swot up on London trivia with this walking puzzle game.
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