Hungry Londoners are getting to have their say on the biggest topic of the day. It's Trump vs Clinton over at Old Street station where Appear Here has organised an election day pop-up, with punters voting the only way they know how: with their stomachs.

Vicky's Donuts has made limited edition doughnuts in the shape of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton's glorious mugs. If the doughnuts are to be believed, it looks like a 'yuge' landslide for Trump. At last count his doughnut (with an orange-coloured glaze, of course) was selling at a ratio of 80 to Hilary's 20. If you're feeling helpless today, go and cast your vote at the 'Thought Brexit Was Bad' pop-up.

In other important election news, people are handing out 'Trump Pussy Protectors' at Heathrow Airport