Keep an eye over your shoulder when making your way to work on the tube this week: there are plans afoot to remake 'An American Werewolf in London'.
The 1981 horror classic famously saw a human-turned-monster on the rampage on the Underground after two American backpackers are attacked by a mysterious creature while trekking in the English countryside.

The remake is in its early stages, but the current plan is that the reboot of 'American Werewolf' will be written and directed by Max Landis, son of John Landis who made the original movie.
The makers of the sequel will find that the tube and London have changed since they shot the original back in the early 1980s. Famously the film sees the werewolf on the loose in a grubby Piccadilly Circus that's full of sex cinemas and other dives. The tube itself doesn't look much better.
It's not the only remake or sequel in the works – as anyone with even half an eye on the movies will already know. Yesterday it was claimed that no fewer than 171 sequels or remakes are currently in the works in Hollywood. Surely that's a record?
In the meantime, if you see a hairy creature diving for cover on the Bakerloo line, you'll know that cameras have started turning on the 'American Werewolf' reboot.

Explore Time Out's 100 best horror movies – and see where 'An American Werewolf in London' lands in the list.
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