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‘He’s got a bagel, on his head’ has become the chant of the moment after a surreal video showing an entire train carriage descend into a brawl and get shut down by the police following a row over, er, bagels whipped up a Twitter frenzy on Monday.
The food fight, now fittingly dubbed #BagelGate, kicked off on a late-night train heading from King's Cross to Huntington and was stopped by police for around 20 minutes at Potters Bar, Hertfordshire at 1am on Sunday. As fortune would have it, someone managed to capture video footage of the entire bagel fracas. But, even after a few watches, it’s still pretty hard to discern what’s actually going on. Even the person who filmed it is as clueless as everyone else.
All the hoo-hah appears to erupt after a group of passengers start placing a seemingly never ending number of bagels on unsuspecting commuters' heads. Some people weren't best pleased with their new bagel crowns, with one passenger tossing his out of the train window and others resorting to more aggy behaviour, hence the police intervention a short while later. A chorus of shouting and chanting can be heard during the ruckus, including the surprisingly catchy 'He's got a bagel on his head' to the tune of the famous school hymn 'He's Got the Whole World in his Hands' – what else, eh? British Transport Police also waded into the drama making it even more bizarre by tweeting: 'Let's be clear, no bagel should be treated so cruelly'.
In an attempt to clear up what the hell is actually going on, a woman behind the bagel meltdown revealed more details about the bagels' origins. It turns out these aren't just any old bagels. Oh no, these are genuine Brick Lane Beigel Bake bagels, the iconic doughy speciality from the East End institution that has been the 24-hour snack stop of choice for clubbers, drinkers and taxi drivers since 1974.
But even this revelation doesn't really explain what happened in the video, which has now been liked nearly 19,000 times and appears to have more plot twists than a Nordic murder mystery. Some people have predicted a #BagelGate movie may one on the cards, while for others the incident is indicative of the state of post-Brexit Britain. Whatever it is, it's certainly got us hankering for a Beigel Bake dinner.
I can neither confirm nor deny the rumours that @RoyalAlbertHall have secured the rights to screen #Bagelgate with live orchestra
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