
Urs Fischer, 'The Kiss'. Courtesy the artist and Sadie Coles, London.
If the words 'interactive art' make you think of nudity, ritual humiliation, or both, then you can cast your fears aside at the Urs Fischer show at Sadie Coles. Fischer is a Swiss artist whose work is hard to pin down. Sometimes he makes collages featuring everyday stuff like cigarettes and banana skins. Then sometimes he creates huge, weird, installations – which is what he's done here. And YOU can leave your mark on it.
Fischer has created a version of Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture 'The Kiss' out of plasticine. And visitors to the gallery are free to do pretty much whatever they please to his piece. As you can see from the pics, it's already taken quite a pounding. Some visitors have even torn bits off it, fashioned them into little strips, and arranged them into words and messages on the walls. So, yes – graffiti, basically.
We're sure ol' Rodin would have been proud. Actually, no. He would have hated it. Definitely.
'The Kiss' is at Sadies Coles Davies St until Mar 11.