
Another day, another unicorn-themed sugar high hits the dayglo-splattered streets of London. That’s not a complaint! Anyway, today’s illustrious arrival is a big one, even when you factor in last year’s sweetest insta-star Miki’s Paradise. That’s right: behold, if you will, the Unicorn Freakshake.
It’s been invented by stalwart, tourist-beloved Covent Garden eatery Maxwell’s (also responsible for ‘London’s cheesiest burger’), who’ve sensibly jumped on our city’s relentless – perhaps incredulous – enthusiasm for lurid, unicorn-themed edibles.
Therefore, a pink bubblegum milkshake is topped with whipped cream, ‘unicorn hair’ candy floss, marshmallows, candy love hearts and rainbow ribbons, then topped off with a marshmallow unicorn horn. It looks a bit She-Ra’s horny/horsey pal Swift Wind (now there’s a reference that’s going to be lost on you millennials!) – but in any case, GIMME.
The Unicorn Freakshake is available from Maxwell's Bar & Grill (8 James St, WC2E 8BH) and costs £7.95.
That horny freakshake got you all hepped up? Why not try a rainbow croissant?