Music fans, rejoice – a display of photographs taken by the legendary Patti Smith is coming to town.
Dulwich Picture Gallery will be showing her black-and-white pictures alongside photographs by the artist Vanessa Bell (who's also getting the full-blown retrospective treatment by the DPG). Bell is best known as the sister of writer Virginia Woolf, and was a member of the Bloomsbury Set: a community of bohemian creative types who got up to all sorts of mischief between the wars. They were basically the hippies of their time – so you can see why Bell has been paired with fellow rebellious spirit Smith. And although they lived decades apart, they're connected in the form of Smith's pictures of Bell's Sussex farmhouse. Bell lived there with her lover Duncan Grant, and he'll crop up in many of the photographs on display. This looks set to be a match made in heaven.

Patti Smith, 'Paint Brushes, Duncan Grant’s studio', 2008. © Patti Smith. Courtesy the artist and Robert Miller Gallery

'Brandon Camp', 1913. Photographs by Vanessa Bell and others, in Vanessa Bell’s album, Tate (TGA 9020/3) © Tate Archive, London 2016.
'Legacy: Photographs by Vanessa Bell and Patti Smith' and 'Vanessa Bell (1879-1961)' will be on display at Dulwich Picture Gallery from Feb 8 to Jun 4.
In other news, a street artist has painted a beautiful Carrie Fisher mural on a pub in Islington.
And George Michael could be honoured with a blue plaque in Camden.