Anish Kapoor Studio © Anish Kapoor, 2017. Courtesy Lisson Gallery
Raise a glass to the Lisson Gallery: it’s turning 50 this year. And to celebrate, it’s hosting an exhibition of new work by the British artist Anish Kapoor. Well, it beats a narrowboat holiday with your teenage kids, right?
Amazingly, this will be Kapoor’s sixteenth show at the gallery. He’ll be exhibiting a series of new sculptures – big, blobby amorphous shapes wrapped in a kind of translucent mesh. They’re textbook Kapoor: organic-looking without being anything in particular, just a tiny bit gross, and executed in red, a colour the artist often uses. In a statement that is no way pretentious, he once described himself as a ‘painter who is a sculptor’ – and in line with his identity crisis, he’ll also be showing a number of messy red paintings that evidently go hand-in-hand with the sculptures.
Anish Kapoor, ‘Untitled’ © Anish Kapoor, 2017. Courtesy Lisson Gallery
And if you do find yourself visiting the Lisson in the coming months, also look out for an exhibition of work by the Swedish filmmaking duo Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg. They specialise in highly Freudian, highly sexual stop-motion animation. Fancy some creepy animation? Also fancy some creepy blob sculptures? Of course you do! Go get your creep on at the Lisson.
Anish Kapoor’s exhibition opens at the Lisson Gallery on March 31and runs until May 6. Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg’s exhibition opens at the Lisson Gallery on March 31 and runs until May 6.
In other art news, somebody stabbed a painting in The National Gallery.