The sky in south-east London was taken over by a plume of black smoke this afternoon as a fire broke out at nightclub Studio 338 in Greenwich.
Firefighters tackle blaze at London’s Studio 338 club https://t.co/rRV1AFuMc0 Scott Wilson#MoM pic.twitter.com/Kj2Gwrp1R7
— MoM Mastering (@MoM_Mastering) August 8, 2016
Early images of the incident started emerging at around 12pm.
Massive fire in Greenwich 😳 pic.twitter.com/KnnmgWiMxe
— Charlie Conran (@CharlieConran) August 8, 2016
Smoke cloud London? #londonsmoke #smokecloud #london pic.twitter.com/AXaFrvmy8h
— London Guy (@MargiottaTony) August 8, 2016
Greenwich fire near the o2 pic.twitter.com/qSpN4vlSFE
— Dan (@dhogwood) August 8, 2016
Big flame next to the O2 #londonfire #greenwich #fire hope no one is hurt pic.twitter.com/3aTkgOUO7c
— Amr Elrawi (@amrelrawi) August 8, 2016
The London Fire Brigade later confirmed that they received the first of around 50 calls reporting the incident at 11.43am on Monday morning.
Fifteen fire engines and 100 firefighters from across London arrived on the scene to tackle the blaze.
Firefighters from @LondonFire using an Arield Ladder Platform (ALP) to fight the fire on Tunnel Avenue, #Greenwich pic.twitter.com/nlU5PGm5K2
— Paul Wood (@PaulWood1961) August 8, 2016
(Credit: Nigel Saunders)
Initial reports suggest the source of the fire is Studio 338, which has since spread to neighbouring buildings including an industrial warehouse and paper processing yard. The London Fire Brigade later confirmed that as the fire has also affected the Greenwich gas cylinders, a safety cordon will be set up in the area as the cylinders can explode when exposed to heat.
Some gas cylinders are involved in the #Greenwich fire so a safety cordon is being set up. Pic © @Tunny82 pic.twitter.com/UO6VzVg9UJ
— London Fire Brigade (@LondonFire) August 8, 2016
Those in the area are being advised to close doors and windows to protect themselves from the smoke.
If you're affected by smoke in #Greenwich pls keep doors & windows shut. Pls avoid the area https://t.co/5wLMLSjCsv pic.twitter.com/7SNpkuz3NR
— London Fire Brigade (@LondonFire) August 8, 2016
The latest updates suggest that one man has been rescued from the scene, and the London Fire Brigade will be on the scene for the rest of the day. Their statement says:
'This is a large fire and the smoke could be seen from across London, meaning we received a large number of emergency calls. Firefighters will be at the scene for the rest of the day, and possibly into the evening.'