
23 beautiful to-do lists from people WAY more organised than you

Written by
Guy Parsons

A photo posted by LEUCHTTURM1917 (@leuchtturm1917) on

When you have a lot of things to do, make a to-do list. Don't want to actually do the things? Spend ages making that to-do list heartstoppingly beautiful!

This could be the cynic's take on Instagram's planner/journal/list-making community, particularly around the Bullet Journal system that involves trackers, lists, topics, signifiers, wheels, grids and other beautiful ways to procrastinate while still feeling productive.

But who am I – the man whose personal organisation system is 'PROCRASTINATE PANIC APOLOGISE SELF-LOATHE' – to criticise? Because imagine quite how together your shit would feel if your life looked more like these.

I have a system for everything. 


A photo posted by Natascha (@howtobulletjournal) on

I have colour-coding.

I have checkboxes.


A photo posted by Maren (@pureplanning_bymj) on

Yes, I have colour-coded checkboxes.


A photo posted by Roberta Ranieri (@qualcosadierre) on

Through organisation I become more powerful each day.


A photo posted by Mel (@melissaheartplanning) on

Also I have a bunch of neat felt-tips.


A photo posted by Tiffany (@stuckonacloud) on

I plan my meals in advance.


A photo posted by Mary J. (@maryj13) on

Life is simple and I am in control.


A photo posted by Mary J. (@maryj13) on

Each day I fill the grid and I am safe.


A photo posted by Tara (@bujo_dutch) on

In meetings I take notes. They look like this.


A photo posted by Stephanie (@scrubs_n_coffee) on

Each week is laid out before me. No surprises. 


A photo posted by Whitney (@bulleteverything) on

I take regular exercise. There are boxes for this also.


A photo posted by Sarah Ramsay (@sazrazbujo) on

There are many things to do, but I can accomplish them one at a time.

Tasks have subtasks. There is a hierarchy. And I stand atop it, master of all I survey.


A photo posted by Isobel Hope (@isobel_hope) on

I record the weather. I take my vitamins.


A photo posted by Maggie (@bulletjournal94) on

All is well, that is for sure.

What am I meant to be doing now? It's okay, I can just check.

So pretty. So soothing.


A photo posted by Anita Piątek (@tosiakowo) on

I capture my memories with tiny pictures. These also go into boxes.


A photo posted by Whitney (@bulleteverything) on

When I am bored of boxes, I can use wheels. It's all good.

The line goes up. The line goes down. In this way, inner mastery is achieved.

My plans are literally infallible. 


A photo posted by Whitney (@bulleteverything) on

Also my handwriting just looks like this.


A photo posted by Mary J. (@maryj13) on

This plan is too elegant for others to understand.


A photo posted by ursala (@honeyrozes) on

New year, same me. I am already in perfect control. Thank you, and goodbye.

Admit it, you now urgently need a fine-tipped ballpoint pen and a graph-paper notebook. Hie thee to one of London's best stationery stores

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