Life in London can be hard work. So for some much-needed LOLs, here are 19 tweets about everything from hellish tube strikes to gentrified Greggs.
We've all felt the struggle of a fancy coffee shop...
Taken my family to wanky London coffee shop and they are NOT on board with the seating arrangement pic.twitter.com/YqlZCelPx6
— Sophie Gadd (@sophie_gadd) December 20, 2015
Let's not forget the horrors of the recent tube strike.
Remember to prepare for a long bus journey tomorrow morning. Here's what I'm taking:#TubeStrike pic.twitter.com/11cKwz9Cji
— Alex Harrison (@AlecSaracen) January 8, 2017
Scenes at Waterloo: #TubeStrike pic.twitter.com/GjXIzFmC7q
— Mike Freeman (@MrMike1990) January 9, 2017
*12 buses, 6 Ubers, crawls the final 2 streets*
— Jamie McCormack (@timeforjamie) January 9, 2017
Colleague: how was your journey in?
Me: yeah, not bad thanks.@SoVeryBritish #TubeStrike
Happy Monday morning #London.
— Gerry Stergiopoulos (@GerryGreek) January 9, 2017
Due to the #TubeStrike TFL has released an updated map of the underground network... pic.twitter.com/f1xItAcwKN
And the recent savage 'snowfall'.
You havent experienced panic until London get's snow!
— Tristan Evans (@TheVampsTristan) January 12, 2017
Snow in London 🙈 pic.twitter.com/DS6Svy0G8c
— Hanane (@HananeLDN) January 12, 2017
That inch of snow in London looks treacherous #prayfortheUK
— Chris Wragg (@chriswragg) January 12, 2017
The snow in London be like pic.twitter.com/cYKQdvxofB
— Kazizam (@ASAP_KURDY) January 12, 2017
When you leave your own neighbourhood.
I have stumbled into a West London nightmare pic.twitter.com/RGA5lyOqlG
— Samuel West (@exitthelemming) January 9, 2016
Standard London life, really.
Just a guy playing a traffic cone. Move along. 😂 #OnlyInLondon pic.twitter.com/MRKnn729IA
— Scott@100lcfc (@flipflopflyer) January 7, 2017
Those darn loos.
So we were in a @McDonalds in a shopping centre - and yet we still had to pay 50p to use the loo. #onlyinlondon
— DPJ (@davepedderjones) December 2, 2016
This age-old London struggle.
#GrowingUpInLondon when some dickhead is arguing with the bus driver and the driver switches the engine off pic.twitter.com/3noVAwQHdr
— UK Banter (@UKBanter) July 23, 2015
No words.
Luxury accommodation to let in East London. Spacious double room, well ventilated, close to amenities. £1,500pcm. pic.twitter.com/Q6gfARm3U5
— Mitten d'Amour (@MittenDAmour) January 8, 2016
#GrowingUpInLondon "When you finally pay for a train ticket but there isn't a Ticket Inspector around" 😒😒😂 https://t.co/tx5xW6qpg5
— Valar Morghulis (@Officialraafiu) July 21, 2015
When Londoners take 'taking the piss' to new levels.
Truly amazing photos of London through the fog! pic.twitter.com/wvaPcduO0A
— Jay (@jtahh) November 2, 2015
Charlotte is getting deported by David Cameron. pic.twitter.com/YlRHj4b36p
— Joshua Dixon (@JoshDixonTweets) January 18, 2016
When London just gets out of control.
You can gentrify Greggs? Only in Highgate. pic.twitter.com/MhMvNrA3U3
— Benji Waterstones (@its_benjis) February 20, 2014
And finally, the most relatable tweet of them all.
Millennials are so spoilt with their smartphones & tablets. All we had at their age was the ability to buy property in Central London.
— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) October 18, 2015
For more LOLs check out the top five things north Londoners say to south Londoners.