Soho is exactly the kind of place you’d expect to find a cloistered, ‘secret’ basement bar. In fact, Greek Street has two pretty much directly opposite one another. For a louche, artistic goes vibe, head to Trisha’s (though you’ll need to be a member, or know someone who is). For a slightly spiffier atmosphere, enter whisky emporium Milroy’s, gently push the bookcase at the back (yes, really!) and totter down to the Vault, a classy cocktail bar where the hours – and the city outside – will simply slip away. You’re advised to book ahead, which might not be in keeping with Soho’s spontaneous spirit, but you will be guaranteed a seat and some of the finest mixes the area has to offer.
Time Out tip
Naturally, the proprietors are partial to a spot of live jazz, so keep your eyes peeled for ad-hoc shenanigans.
Order this
The Vault’s mezcal-topped Old Fashioned is worth its weight in gold.
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