Every fibre of your being might be wanting to make a joke about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but control yourself, because Raphael is so much more than a pizza slinging reptile vigilante. Raffaelo Santi (1483–1520) is a true giant of art history, a master of the Renaissance who had a massive hand in shaping the course of art. This show was originally meant to celebrate the 500th anniversary of his death in 2020, but was delayed and is now celebrating the 502nd anniversary of his death in late early 2022. It's not as satisfyingly round a number as 500, but any excuse to get to see loads of Raphael's paintings and drawings in one place is an event worth looking forward to.
The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Raphael is at the National Gallery, Apr 9-Jul 31 2022. More details here.